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Milgrim on Trade Secrets
Roger M. Milgrim & Eric E. Bensen
Milgrim on trade Secrets is the most frequently cited treatise in trade secrets law. Written by two recognized experts with practical experience in all aspects of trade secrets protection and litigation, it is cited as "the authority" in over 200 trade secret cases, including 11 state and federal cases in the past two years alone.
This unrivaled legal resource provides in depth coverage on trade secret definitions, how to protect a trade secret, and pretrial and trial considerations. In addition to its analysis of traditional trade secret problems such as those arising between owners of trade secrets and their employees, this treatise provides full coverage of other legal issues, including criminal, administrative, antitrust and tax considerations.
The set contains a chapter on intellectual property and the Internet, dealing specifically with trade secrets and the Internet and how the use of e-mail can affect confidentiality, as well as an overview of trademarks and the Internet, copyright and the Internet and the current state of the law regarding personal jurisdiction based on Internet contacts. There is also extensive practical guidance.